My (badly) illustrated life...

Wednesday, 29 August 2012


So this morning my mum brought me a cup of tea in bed and it was the sweetest, most delicious tea ever and I just marvelled at the fact that mum is the only one who knows instinctively that I like my tea 30% sugar and doesn't judge me for it.

I believe tea is a magical thing, definitely on par with rainbows, kittens and books. If tea could be worshipped I would totally worship it. Maybe it's the British in me.
But my dad hates tea, so I like to stare at him menacingly as he stirs his coffee. On the bright side (there's always a bright side with tea) I get a cupboard all to myself for my tea collection, which currently contains my own tea pot bought from a charity shop, several mugs with kittens and patterns and phrases like 'keep calm and party hard' on them, 4 boxes of loose leaf tea- peppermint, creme brulee, rose hip and a herbal blend meant for studying. Tea is good.

Here are some things I like about tea:

- when you know how to make it properly by warming the pot first and it makes the tea 20% more delicious
- when you've finally mastered balancing the ratio of milk to tea
- reading a good book with a cup of tea
- making tea whenever there's a crisis to calm everyone down
- everything's classier with tea
- tea before bed
- tea in the morning
- tea in the afternoon
- tea and tumblr
- tea leaf reading
- finding new ingredients to add to tea like cinnamon
- chocolate tea
- chai tea
- having tea with your grandma
- having tea with your significant other
- when it's raining, curling up on the floor with a blanket, a book and a cup of tea
- tea is just made of magic


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