My (badly) illustrated life...

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Introducing Tina

This, is Tina.
She's my best friend.
We're close enough for me to not have to try and be tactful about drawing her boobs.

She is a combination of all the awesome in the world.

She's a Socialist Brony Nerdfighter of awesome.
We met in Australian Girls Choir last year, we both went on international tour.
Which meant together we got to explore AMERICA.

(that's me with different hair)
It was pretty damn amazing.
We went on adventures with peppermint tea and Barnes & Noble and buses and M&Ms and sooooo much singing. It was pretty much the highlight of my life, and I got to share it with her.

We've been through thick and thin, and even though she lives in the middle of nowhere

so we don't really get to see each other that often...
I know she will always be there for me,
With a cup of tea, a dash or wit and sarcasm, a string of inside jokes and so much kindness and loveliness.
She will always be my best friend.

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